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CVA Arm Support Cover


The CVA Arm Support Cover is a curved arm cushion to hold an arm and hand.

About the CVA Arm Support Cover

A large inner polythene liner bag is provided. This has to be filled by the customer with polystyrene balls as used in bean bags. The amount of balls needed will vary according to the size of the Patient and size of the chair.

The narrow neck of the cushion should be placed behind the Patient’s back and the Patient leans back against the neck. This should hold the neck part in position although an elasticised loop is sewn into the end of the neck, in case it is necessary to tie the neck to the back of the chair. If the neck is filled with balls, this can make a lumbar support for the Patient.

The main body of the cushion is placed on the arm of the chair and moulded into shape to support the Patient’s arm and hand. Another elasticised loop is provided at the end of the body and a ribbon can be used to secure the loop either around the Patient’s wrist or to one of the chair arms. After the Patient has been in one position for some time, the nurse can alter the position to improve circulation. The CVA Arm Support Cushion can also be used for tilting Patients to help them to sit upright.

The balls to fill the cushion can be easily purchased from most department stores (K Mart, Target, Walmart, Big W, Coles, etc). One pack of balls could fill four or five CVA Cushion Covers. After filling the liner bag, squeeze the bag to expel most of the air inside. Then tie a loose knot at the correct place. This is to prevent the balls from going into the neck of the cushion. The loose knot will allow the air to escape but stop the balls from coming out. The inner liner bag can be removed when the outer cover is being washed.

Weight 0.3 kg
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CVA Arm Support Cover